How To Stop Boots From Squeaking When Walking

How do you stop boots from squeaking when walking?

A squeaking wood floor is very irritating.

A squeaking pair of boots is many times more irritating because people turn their heads to look at you. That is why you are reading this article on how to stop boots from squeaking when walking.

But there is some good news for you:

A squeaking pair of boots is not a big problem. It is something that you can take care of ever so easily at home.

Besides, it is a very cmmon problem and so there are many solutions to it. New leather boots squeak all the time!

Why are my leather boots squeaking?

Well, there are a couple of reasons for this. First, these boots are made of leather. We know pure leather is high quality.

Therefore, we can assume (tongue in cheek) that new items like to announce their arrival.

But seriously, leather boots squeak more times than they don’t, especially when they are new.

And there you have it, a second reason for leather boots squeaking – they are new! You have just broken in the boots, or you have worn them straight out of the box. They will squeak!

But …

Why do new leather boots squeak? You may ask.

It is because of the way the boots upper is attached to the sole. In fact, the sole/upper joint is responsible for producing the squeaking noise.

It happens because as you step, friction is generated between the sole and the upper of the boot. And that is why the squeaking noise happens.

Don’t bury your head in the sand though because even old boots squeak. Therefore, the best thing for you is to know how to stop the boots from squeaking.

How do I stop my leather boots from squeaking when I walk?

There are several things to do as you will read below. They are very effective. Usually, doing two or three of the following is going to solve the problem for you:

1. Find out where the boots are squeaking

This is the first thing to do. You cannot fix a problem when you do not know where it is coming from. Therefore, find out where the boot is squeaking.

Most of the time, the squeaky area is the sole. However, you should also check the insoles and the joint between the sole and the boot upper.

It might be hard because when you are walking, the boots are too far from your ears. However, you can ask your colleague, partner, friend or child to help you identify where the noise comes from.

2. Break them in if they are new!

Break in the boots. Do not wear them to the office or party if they are brand new. One of the reasons for breaking in new boots is to get them to conform to your feet. It also helps to make the boots soften up.

One of the simplest ways for breaking in your shoes is to wear them often around the home before the big day. This will get them used to walking.

3. They are too stiff! Soften them with oil

One disadvantage of leather is that it can become too stiff. This causes it to make noises when you are walking. Therefore, you can always soften the leather so that it stops making noises when you walk.

However, you can only soften the upper of the boots since you cannot oil the soles. Using oil on the upper leather part of the boots is beneficial because it is part of the maintenance regimen of cowhide shoes.

Get the right oil and apply it every week. It will even create a waterproof membrane on the surface and that is a big benefit.

4. Attach the soles properly

If the soles are becoming detached from the shoes, they will make squeaking noises. Therefore, use the right glue to attach the soles back.

It can be hard to do this correctly, so it is always better to take the boots to a cobbler. For durability, you can even have them use gum and then stitch the upper to the sole properly.

Image of stopping boots from squeaking

5. Remove the insoles and apply talcum powder

If the squeaking noises are coming from inside the shoes, it means the insoles are the problem. Therefore, remove the insoles and treat the interior of the boots.

Check to see that the insoles are not glued to the shoes, because such can be nasty to remove. Mostly, they are not.

Once the insoles are removed, apply your talcum powder by sprinkling it around in the bottom of the boots (interior). You can then shake the shoes around so that the powder spreads evenly inside.

After that, just insert the insoles back and when you wear the shoes, there will be no squeaking noises.

6. Buffing the outer soles helps

We said that squeaking happens because there is friction between two moving parts. In this case, if there is friction between the soles and the floor, there will be squeaking noises. Thankfully, this should be easy to fix.

Take a 60 to 120 grit sandpaper and sand the bottom of the soles lightly. This is going to make the soles a bit smoother, but don’t worry about slipping. With light sanding, the sole will not be dangerously smooth.

7. Clean the soles of grit and sand

Take a piece of cloth or towel and dip it in water. Squeeze the excess water out and then with the damp cloth, wipe away the outer sole of the shoes. This is going to wipe away grit and sand particles that may have lodged on the sole. You can then dry the boots with a dry piece of cloth. This will have smoothed them over and taken out the grit that was causing the friction on any surface you walk on.

8. Use Vaseline on the insole

Petroleum jelly works very well to create a light lubrication between the insole and the outer sole. Therefore, if the squeaking is coming from the inside of the boots, apply a thin film of Vaseline on the insoles (the part that is in contact with the sole) and return it.

9. Dry the shoes completely

When leather absorbs water, it squeaks. Since it can be hard to press the leather to see moisture, just feel it. If it feels too cold, it has moisture. If you have been in water or in the rain lately, the boots are too wet.  Dry them up, preferably in the air.

10. Check the laces and the tongue

This is the last technique for how to stop boots from squeaking when walking. Check whether the tongue is making noise as it rubs against the sides of the shoes. If it is, you should apply saddle soap on the tongue and on the sides that it is rubbing against.